Challenging struggle of energy heroes in snowy mountains

Challenging struggle of energy heroes in snowy mountains


Challenging struggle of energy heroes in snowy mountains

Challenging struggle on an icy pole thousands of meters high

Field teams, taking action with the increase in snowfall and icing in the higher parts of Manisa, are struggling to minimize power outages. GDZ Elektrik field teams, climbing electricity poles in mountains thousands of meters high, are working hard to break the ice covering the poles.

Snowfall and icing, which were effective in the high parts of Manisa, negatively affected life in some regions. Freezing cold and blizzard snow caused the poles to which the energy distribution lines were connected to freeze. GDZ Elektrik field teams took action upon this situation and started working to minimize possible power outages by climbing snowy hills in freezing cold.

After examining the ice-covered poles, the teams take all safety precautions and climb the pole, fighting against wind and snow and breaking the ice that clings to the poles. Damaged electrical cables on the poles cleared of ice load are also replaced by the teams to prevent interruptions in the power line.

Energy heroes continue to work for uninterrupted electricity against harsh winter conditions at different points almost every day.

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