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Academic and Graduate Study Topics, Requests for Collaboration on R&D and Technology
In line the mission to pioneer the advancement of infrastructure in the electricity distribution services in our country, Gdz Elektrik focuses on scientific and technological collaborations as per a development model that is based on research, technology development, education and training.
Academic study topics are periodically published on the corporate website of Gdz Elektrik, which can be done with collaboration between universities and the industry in priority areas predefined based on Gdz Elektrik Technology Roadmap (THY). As part of these academic study topics, the company supports “Industry Oriented Bachelor’s Degree Graduation Project”, where experts at Gdz Elektrik can also act as industry consultants with guidance from supervisors of final year undergraduate students.
In this regard, Gdz Elektrik is open to collaboration with all stakeholders to utilize various models to implement bachelor’s degree graduation projects, master’s degree theses / doctoral dissertations and R&D studies. What’s more is that our company can also support the master’s degree or doctoral studies of Gdz Elektrik personnel or stakeholders related to Gdz Elektrik Technology Roadmap (TYH). Relevant academic study topics could also be the basis for
R&D projects that can be funded externally. Gdz Elektrik is open to collaboration with all academics to academically define the topics/problems to be addressed in master’s and doctoral degree studies, and to convert these topics into postgraduate
thesis/dissertation subjects.
Prioritized Academic Study Subjects
End-to-End Communication Infrastructure in the Grid
Information and Cybersecurity in Grid Management
Data Management and Analytics on Grid
Interoperability and Standardization on Grids
Grid Modelling and Simulation