Requests Made by Private Transformer Facility Users

Requests Made by Private Transformer Facility Users


Dear Consumers

For facilities with private transformers; An application must be made by the electrical engineer in charge of the operation for power outages, re-energization, outages, malfunctions and similar issues. Our Company does not process applications that are not made by the electrical engineer in charge of the operation.

We present it for your information.



  1. There must be an electrical engineer responsible for technical issues in all high voltage high current facilities. The responsibility of the engineer in charge of the operation in terms of occupational safety and security is to determine the occupational safety methods that must be followed in the facility, to determine the rules to be followed for a safe operation, to determine the necessary tools and equipment and to inspect the compliance with the rules in question. (Electric High Current Facilities Regulation Article 60)
  2. In all high voltage facilities, the person responsible for representing the owner of the business before the energy supplying organization is the Operations Manager. It is the duty of the business manager to request a power outage from the energy provider, to request re-energization, and to maintain the necessary relations with the energy provider regarding outages, malfunctions and similar issues. It is among the responsibilities of the operating manager to prepare a report regarding the facility for which responsibility is taken, at most every four months, to be given to the energy supplying organization, the employer and the relevant EMO unit regarding the status of the facility, the work to be done, any problems, solution suggestions and precautions to be taken. (Electric High Voltage Facilities Operation Liability Regulation)
  3. In all high voltage facilities, users/customers sign an operating responsibility service contract with the responsible electrical engineer and renew this contract every year and submit it to the Company. Otherwise, the customer's electricity will be cut off. (Annex-10 "Special Considerations" of the Agreement for Connection to the Distribution System)
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